Linton Parish Council - Kate Wiseman Clerk and RFO

From my personal experience I must say that I have found this to be brilliant. The software is easy to use and tailored to Parish Councils so is perfect for a busy council. You can easily record, review and produce reports for income and expenditure, prepare the reconciliations, produce vat reports, search for individual transactions or review the nominal ledger at the click of a button. Ours produces all necessary reports and it is great for years end.
The staff are all exceptionally well trained and they are readily available to offer system support over the phone and will, if required, come out and do an end of year close down with you for an additional charge to help you prep all the annual governance accounting.
When you join they do also offer to come out and assist with inhouse training which is great. It makes my role far easier and I wouldn’t want to do it without it, it is a great system. If you require the purchase order element of the package this can be obtained for an additional charge and they also offer a burials recording package (although Linton PC has not got these so I cannot attest to these).
I would highly recommend the system.